I have been interested in trying to understanding how to illustrate the perspective of a view from within movement looking out. How can we see what movement sees? Can we catch a glimpse of the birds eye view from within movement and dance?
This study tries to capture a moment of that sense.
It is often the case that movement within the context of 'The Dance World', is that it is an object that is "over there". You look at the person moving. Its out of your own body. But in reality we as receivers of dance, are also in a constant state of movement. Our eyes move in our head, we shift, we settle, we shift again... we look away, we look back, we are in a state of response/involvement. Dance as an experience has a much more dynamic and fluid engagement. We, as views are as much the movers as the dancers are. It is this relationship that fascinates and bewilders me. How can we start to understand dance as an aspect of perspective, a perspective that illustrates our own participation, rather than simply an object "to look at".
As the camera fixes on the man in the frame it is the person holding the camera that moves away. A brief example of looking out from within a moment of transition or movement. Also, in my opinion, a brief example of the simple beauty of movement. It is always being tracked from outside our bodies as much as it is being recorded from within.
Perhaps dance has something to do with the observance of perspective and participation, rather than a state of passive objectification.