Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dance as a practical philosophically.  

Actively asking: Who am I? What am I? Am I my body? Am I in my body? Where am I within my body? Where is this dance coming from? What am I following? 

Memory, Culture, Taste, Aesthetics, Ambition, Discrimination, Hope, Aspiration, Desire... Desire from what? Desire for what? Is this for you? Is this for me? Is this about us? Is this really happening together? Does any of it matter? What matters? 

I want to be with you. 

I want to give it all away for free. 

I want to see how far we can go.

I want you to join me at the marrow of the moment expression occurs. That is why I dance, with you, we hold each other's end of the tin-can-on-a-string, a tether for us, with the muse.